Life Coach
What I know for sure, is that the only person that knows what is best for you, is you. Whether it is a relationship, a job, a life outlook, a place to live, a spiritual belief, a hobby, if it doesn’t fully resonate with you, its not in your highest good, and the path might always feel a bit crooked. What I also know for sure, is that this is not easy to identify…..because it is hard to listen to ourselves.
My hope as a Life Coach is to help you, find inside of you , the answers. My experiences in life personally, and professionally, have taught me that the truest answers have come from myself, that even if your decisions do not make sense to others, if it is in full alignment physically, emotionally, spiritually for yourself, it will always be the right choice, you will know this to be true because you will feel at peace with the decision.
I was a social worker for the state for many years, I specialized in sexual abuse, trauma, facilitated many groups,I am a certified Livestrong facilitator, supporting and leading groups for people going through cancer, I am a certified 500 hour yoga teacher, and a business owner of a beautiful yoga studio in Yarmouth Port on Cape Cod, and a certified Life Coach
I do not happen to think life is always easy, I have been in service my entire adult life hoping to help peoples lives be more at ease. My style with life coaching will always be to find what is truly inside of you, helping to identify your greatest hopes and dreams, and navigate your way to get there.
Free one hour consultation
Sessions $75 per hour
Sessions will be at my studio or via Zoom, the studio is in a 1700 historical spot in Yarmouth Port, the space is very special, nurturing,
161 rte 6A
Yarmouth Port MA
Contact Deb at Yogaofyarmouthport@gmail.com